Join us for an experience you won’t soon forget. You’ll fall in love with the people, the culture and history of Guatemala while serving our brothers and sisters in this unique country.


We anticipate helping approximately 800 young men and women prepare to serve LDS missions by providing assistance in filling out missionary papers, haircuts, missionary photos, blood and urine tests, missionary medical exams, dental hygiene, hygiene training, comprehensive restorative dentistry, endodontics, and oral surgery.

Humanitarian Projects

We will also be participating in various community service projects, including projects for orphanages, a children’s cancer hospital, a maternity hospital, a service project for the families in a local LDS ward, and several visits to families in need.


Our team will be made up of approximately 125 volunteers. The estimated numbers of medical and dental professionals and volunteers needed are:

Dental and medical professionals are encouraged (but not required) to bring a trained assistant and/or family members to assist in the clinic. This will enable us to be as efficient as possible in this large endeavor.

Although Spanish language skills are a nice benefit, volunteers do not need to be able to speak Spanish to join an expedition.

  • Costs for the Expedition

    The full cost of this trip will be $2,700. This includes airfare from and returning to Salt Lake City (may be different for those departing from and returning to other airports), hotels, meals, and ground transportation. In addition to the 5 day medical/dental clinic, we will take a three night vacation to Antigua and Tikal National Park, where will we stay on the shores of the beautiful Lake Peten Itza at the Camino Real Tikal at Flores. Everyone, including tour leaders, pays his/her own way.

    Payments are processed through the Smiles for Central America Foundation, a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization.

  • Applications

    All applications will be reviewed upon receipt, and you will be contacted for a phone interview within a few weeks.

    Space on this expedition is limited and we anticipate that we will receive more applications than we can accommodate. We recommend turning in your application as soon as possible.

  • Registration

    After you have filled out the online application and have been selected to participate in the expedition, you will be given a password to access the online Registration form and the Payment link, and a link for Medical and Dental Professionals to submit professional documents.

    When you receive the password information, please promptly fill out the registration form. The Registration form is in addition to the shorter Application form and includes more detailed information that we must receive before you can join the expedition.

  • Payment

    Payment in full is due at registration. We will purchase your airline ticket as soon as you make your payment--this will help us get the lowest ticket prices possible. You may make your payment online with a check or savings account, online with a credit card, or with a check by mail. Payment by check or savings is preferred as it saves credit card fees and keeps expedition costs down. Payment details will be provided on the Payment page.